La Francesca

A self-sufficient settlement, where you can spend your time with no hurry or constraint. Tourists, who nowadays are more and more desirous to discover landscapes, scents and natural flavours, find in La Francesca the ideal place for a stay in all seasons.

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La Francesca, for its characteristics and large spaces, is the ideal place to ensure privacy and distancing between guests. We are equipped to protect everyone's safety and health - employees, suppliers, guests – with due observance of the rules and the maximum hygiene. Compulsory CHECK-IN online, by filling in the form sent by email. Guaranteed distancing in the common areas: in the park, by the sea, by the pool, at the bar/market; the restaurant service can be replaced by the takeaway.

Our Houses

Choose your house on the sea of the Cinque Terre.

All our houses


Dear Guests We hope your stay at our resort is pleasant and relaxing. We are writing to inform you of a small change regarding our restaurant service. Starting Monday July 8th, the Rosadimare restaurant will observe a weekly closing day every Monday. To ensure service we have activated a takeaway option. You can order your favorite dishes through our Web App using your smartphone, Just visit…

Pasqua al mare

Until 02/04/2024
Pasqua alla Francesca: un posto raro, cullati dal mare [], a respirare aromi e profumi del parco […

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Simple and confortable location


would’ve stayed here way longer, skipped all other things planned, heck if I could live here for ever I would. Prime location, simple and confortable, clean, convient.


This beautiful time!


Very much loved the stay! The flat is amazing, with an insanely beautiful sea-view, clean, quiet, and nice terrace to watch stars at night! The private beach reachable in 3 mins is stony, but with beach shoes no problem at all! It’s a great spot for …


Aspettative superate


Quiet and peaceful get away spot. Expectations were exceeded to the max cannot express how beautiful the landscape is. Best airbnb and the resort workers were extremely friendly and assisted us with allocation of a taxi. The beach is unreal, and the …


Amazing location


Abbiamo apprezzato il nostro soggiorno! Eravamo lì all'inizio di gennaio, quindi il ristorante, il mercato e altri alloggi erano chiusi, ma ce lo aspettavamo. Per il prezzo di € 100 eravamo entusiasti di avere un cottage tutto per noi in una posizion…


Per il resto...perfetto!


Ci siamo divertiti moltissimo: un posto così tranquillo e incantevole. Il posto migliore per rilassarsi e lasciare andare lo stress... l'unica cosa: se ti piace cucinare: porta con te i tuoi coltelli affilati e gli utensili da cucina. per il resto: …


Tranquilla vacanza


è stata una bellissima e tranquilla vacanza nel luogo di incomparabile bellezza che è La Francesca.